Sunday, July 25, 2010

we're pioneers

Yesterday was Pioneer Day, so of course we got together for a meal.

That is what pioneers like us do. We celebrate with food. And water play.

And this time, I used the camera. Get ready for a few days of photos of my pioneer clan.

Beginning with this posed shot of Jack and Jr.

And Stu. He probably won't like this one, but I think he looks very pioneerish.

And here's Cory.

And Jessie.

And Jessie.

And Jessie commenting on Stu's kid skillz.

These next two demonstrate those very skillz.

I only got one shot of Shi, but she looks good.

Looking at this shot, I realized Jr isn't a kid anymore. He is a man.

1 comment:

Johanna said...

So that's how pioneers celebrate? I wasn't a pioneer then. But the fam looks great...and some look more pioneer than others.