Saturday, December 10, 2011

i am so on it

1. Bowling with Stu & Shi & girls & Jack yesterday.
2. Done with this semester except for one take-home final and I'm making excellent progress on it.
3. Took a final today for that dang INFO 3120 class--feeling pretty certain I will get more than the 43% I got on the midterm.
4. Online shopping is awesome. I know, overused word, but very much accurate in this instance.
5. Purchased a tree today--a real tree. My house smells so much more gardeny tonight.
6. I am feeling so festive. And happy.


That online shopping thing? I think I'll use my unexpected Kohl's cash (I know, how did that happen?) to purchase one of these for myself.

1 comment:

Joey said...

You will, as always, look lovely. Make your husband take you somewhere special so you can wear it in style!