Thursday, September 4, 2014


Last Friday, Jack and I went to the farmer's market and bought boxes of peaches, pears, and raspberries.  And corn.  Of course, corn on the cob.

On Saturday afternoon, together, we made raspberry jam and bottled peaches.

This was a first for Jack and he was an excellent coworker.

Finally, tonight, enough of the pears were ripe, so we bottled them.  Maybe the rest will be ready tomorrow or Saturday. 

See, the bottles are ready and waiting to be filled.

Maybe it's weird, but after all of the years of bottling fruit (and the many more recent years when I didn't have the time or energy to bottle fruit)--even after all of those years, I still get a kick out of hearing the *pop* of sealing bottles.  Totally makes it worth the effort.  Well, that and knowing that when there is snow outside, we have bottles of goodness in the basement just waiting to be opened. 

Because I don't know if there is anything better than homemade raspberry jam on toast.

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