Sunday, March 29, 2015

instead of that how about this

For several weeks, I've been planning to update the blog.  Short posts, long detailed posts, even longer more detailed posts.  But I just haven't been able to do any of it.

Instead, I just want to post a few things I need to remember that I've learned in the past few weeks.

1. I have been reminded, gently but very clearly that there is a being who knows me, knows what I need to know, loves me, gets my attention when needed, and gives me what I truly need.  I may have forgotten this in the past few years, but events of the past few weeks have re-confirmed this in my mind.
2. There are people around me who are truly inspired, who listen, who act, who bless my life.
3. Pneumonia is no fun at all. I seriously thought it was going to kill me this past few days.  I believe I am on the mend now, but it has I'm not exaggerating.  It almost killed me.
4. Orange juice may have saved me from pneumonia.

These are the things I need to remember for now.


Amelia said...

I had a sinus infection that nearly did me in in February, I'm sorry about the pneumonia, but glad for the reminders of someone looking out for you and yours. Lots of love and orange juice!

Johanna said...

Oh, my good friend! I have been struggling with bronchitis, but yours sounds so much worse. When you are well, contact me. I miss you and am glad you are coming back.

Linda said...

Pneumonia is definitely no fun. Take care of yourself and I hope you have a quick and full recovery.