Friday, September 26, 2014

diet coke and me

1.  Sometimes, I really wish I had witch powers like Samantha had in Bewitched so I could wiggle my nose and watch as my diet coke moves the six feet from the dining room table to my outstretched hand on the sofa so I don't have to get up to go fetch it.  Because six feet is too far sometimes.

2.  A few days ago, I noticed what seems to be a callous that has developed on the inside of my thumb, curiously right where the lid of my diet coke bottle sits when I uncap it.  Is a callous from opening 16.9 oz diet coke bottles an indication I may be drinking too many of them?  Who can say, really?


Jake Wilde said...

Ha ha imma go get the intervention spotlight.

Lisa B. said...

makes me smile:

>> curiously right where the lid of my diet coke bottle sits when I uncap it.