Tuesday, February 12, 2008

for today, these are enough

1. The January thaw has arrived, a couple of weeks late, but it's here. I know it will be gone tomorrow, but for today and yesterday, it has felt lovely to be outside without a coat.
2. The firstborn had another scope today, a scope appropriately named spyglass, to check out his bile ducts, those little things that in his body are increasingly inflamed. Inflammation sounds like a bad thing, but really, inflammation is far better than cancer. And today, spyglass concluded that there is only inflammation, no cancer.
3. The amazing girl is more and more ready to deliver the next grandbabygirl, who isn't due for a month and a day, but she is making lists and nesting like crazy, while the wee one continuously kicks and leaps in her womb.
4. Jack Jr is, even as I type, making his first shepherd's pie for our dinner tonight.
5. And these are enough--no, not enough, these are bounteous, fill-me-up-to-the-top good.

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