Sunday, February 17, 2008

so, three cats walk into a bar

and, amazingly, not one was injured...

ps It only took 54 photos on three different days to get that shot. Talk about herding cats...sheesh.

Okay, talked me into it, these are some of my earlier attempts.

This photo is one of two that I've taken of Weezer since she was a baby cat where she has her eyes open. Usually, she looks like a big black shiny fluffball.

The ears are a definite indication of how much they enjoyed this activity. Even with tuna and kitty treats, they would not get along and sit still for two minutes.

As hard as it might be to get dogs to pose, cats are not dogs. Dogs are easy--cardboard cutout easy. But, cats are not dogs. Not at all. Not even for treats.

1 comment:

Stu said...

I would love to see you try and get a picture of the dogs on the stools... now that would be something.