Monday, April 5, 2010

my 517th post

Presented herewith, a few odds and ends:

1. Jessie doesn't take a bad picture--as in, she always looks good.
2. I got my new Sears card in the mail today. There was one in my name and a second card for my bff, Kivon L Sykes. Seriously. I could not have made up that name. Too bad, though, Kivon. The credit limit was only $1,600, your attempted charges were declined, and the account is closed. Bummer for you, loser. Dude.
3. I really like that April is poem a day month. Not that I can write poetry. Oh no. But I can read it and very much enjoy it.
4. Shilo has been working so hard to get more physically fit and damn! she looks good.
5. One of my favorite Easter pictures is the one where Stu and Audrey are looking for eggs and I imagine she is talking all the way across the yard.
6. When Jessie's family arrived on Saturday, JoJo was so excited to see the girls again that she raced to the front door, and in a series of events that I missed, somehow, knocked Janey down the one step from the entryway into the living room. (Thus JoJo's afternoon exile to the back yard.) I didn't realize they were even in the house until I heard all of the commotion that ended with Janey wailing. Her daddy swept her up in his arms and comforted her until I came around the corner and offered my outstretched arms to her. She came to me, sobbed her sad, two-year-old-speak story, and snuggled up tight to me. She stayed by me nearly all of the day, refusing to sit with anybody else, although she did participate in the egg hunt with Whitney. Her usual sweet smile was not to be photographed that day. She does have a cute pout though.
7. I am so glad that Jake likes Whitney and she likes him. (I mean, I'm especially glad the drummer likes her and she likes him, but it is so nice that all three of them get along so well.)


Amelia said...

Jessie does have a great smile! Wonder where she got it from? ;)

Stu said...

Imagine? It actually happened. She jabbered the entire hunt :D

Jessie said...

Um, did you not notice the picture where my eyes are closed? Sheesh. But thanks. :)

And Shi definitely does look good, I noticed that too, but didn't get the chance to tell her.

Lisa B. said...

517 *is* a monumental number of posts. Congrats!

Kivon? Seriously?