Saturday, January 9, 2016

You know how some days you wake up and you have to get up and go to work?  And how other days you wake up and you don't want to get out of bed at all?  And some days you wake up and get up and sit in your jammies in your chair by the fireplace, lazily fooling around on the internet or watching meaningless DIY shows, in what could accurately be called wasting a perfectly good morning?

Today was not one of any of those days. 

Today thought it might be an internet/DIY wasted morning, but I had other plans for it.  A quick text to Jr and 20 minutes later we were on our way up the mountain, to the best-ever crunchy snow on the ground and the crystal sparkly flakes flittering and swirling around and the brightest, blue-sky sunshine I've seen this year.

It was a soul-restoring start to today.

 these are views from the lift
 this is how we look after skiing

 this is stick-rock.  so glad to see the stick is still holding up the rock.
one of these days, Jr and I are going to place a snowman built of quilt batting under stick-rock.
because we're funny like that.

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