Monday, March 9, 2009

looking for the positive

I've spent the last few days feeling pretty lousy--brought home some influenza-type bug from DC that has laid me low. I'm hoping none of my family will get sick, but I think Jack's starting to sound like I did on Friday--you know that throat-clearing, ahem, ahem, sound that happens when you might need to cough but you just want to avoid it?

So rather than focus on:
  • the runny, stuffy nose, the fever, the big-dog-barking cough, the clogged ears, and the aches that I thought were a clear indication of my impending death, or
  • the weariness that makes it nearly impossible for me to get up even one more time to stop JoJo from chewing up my box springs, or
  • the shocked look on my 90-year-old neighbor's face as I raced from my house, in my nightie and shoes this morning in the snow, to make sure the gate on my crazy neighbor's fence was closed after JoJo dashed out the back door of the house and bolted through the opening in the fence between our back yards--the opening created by the boards that crazy neighbor removed last summer when he decided to 'fix' the fence--
I am focusing on:
  • how good peanut butter on toast can taste, and
  • how soothing a Jamba juice can be, and
  • how comforting a cat under the sheets next to me can feel.


Jessie said...

Oh, see we're safe--the girls got flu shots. :) I'll keep telling myself that at least until they start getting sick.

I hope you start feeling better soon, being sick is no fun.

Lisa B. said...

So sorry to hear that you're sick! I hope you can at least take it easy until you feel all the way better.

Johanna said...

You poor, poor thing. If it's what I had, we'd better postpone lunch. You will need to take your time to get better.

Get better soon!