Saturday, September 12, 2009

and then today

When asked this morning how he was feeling and how his night went, Stu responded, "Good. Really good."

Points to consider:

1. Yesterday's liver biopsy showed slight rejection.
2. Anti-rejection medication level was too low.
3. Four units of ffp (fresh frozen plasma) take some time to get into a body.
4. Liver enzymes are still considerably higher than pre-transplant.
5. Almost certainly there will be more bumps in the road ahead.

But always remember:



Stu said...

A couple small updates...

It turns out that my rejection med levels are now too high. That's just the game they play trying to figure this out though I guess.

My liver enzymes might be higher, but all of the pre-transplant bile duct related enzymes are still down... so that is good news at least.

I'm sure there will always be bumps. But, what fun would life be if we didn't have some bumps along the way... :)

and yes, prednisone is grand.

Lisa B. said...

All hail, prednisone!

Joey said...

And bless those lil' Doctor's hearts!

And those scientist-researcher-pen-in-the-pocket-white-shirt kinda guys/and or girls.