Thursday, September 24, 2009

things are still happening around here

I know it might seem like life stood still while we lived at the hospital with Stu for just less than two weeks. Or perhaps it just seems like the garden adventures have stopped since he left the hospital. Neither of those would be accurate. These are some of the recent activities:

The day Stu got the call (which is technically pre-hospital, but actually just blurred into the whole hospital experience), I got a great deal at a yard sale on eight chairs and a dining room table that has two leaves and can seat at least twelve. For $100. You just look at this and tell me I didn't get a great deal:

You might not be able to tell from this photo, but this table is like having a conference table in my diningroom. It will be perfect for dinners that include the whole family and lots of food because there will be room for everybody around the edges and room for all of the food in the middle.

While downloading the table photo, I found these photos of my kitchen while Jr baked pies on my birthday:

As you can see, it was a baking flurry.

And speaking of Jr. He's been diagnosed with type A flu, which according to the doctor at the Instacare is in all likelihood H1N1, aka swine flu. He's had a sore throat and is now coughing and sneezing and feverish and runny/stuffy nosed, and is quarantined for four days. He got sent home sick from college.

And now the drummer has a sore throat. Holy cow.

Oh, but did I mention that I escaped from the math class? Sometimes you just have to cut yourself a little slack. Math and hospital stays are simply not compatible. Unless you count hours of sudoku as math. Because if sudoku is math, I've done hours and hours of math.

1 comment:

Lisa B. said...

Oh my goodness. Your life! Hope you don't catch the flu.

Math is, in my opinion, way overrated. Isn't that why God gave us fingers? to count on? with no decimal points, fractions, percentages, or algebra? or calculus? At all?

word verif: coguar (word verif is a BYU fan?)