Tuesday, September 29, 2009

she does love to play ball

Dear JoJo,

I know you know that I know how much you love to play ball. You must have inherited your desire for nonstop fetch from your mom whose owners warned us that your mom would play fetch all day. And night. And day.

We smiled and murmured things like, "We've never had a dog that would fetch," and "How fun would that be to have a dog that would bring the ball back when you toss it for her," and "How cute!"

We had no idea what all day and all night and all day fetching really meant. Jack is certain that there are days--weekends mostly--when he tosses the ball for you from his recliner so many times that we lose track of how many times he tosses the ball for you to fetch. And you always go get it and trot back, wagging your tail wildly when you catch the toss, obviously pleased with your improving skills.

But sometimes Jack's arm needs a rest, so he simply pushes the ball off the arm of his recliner and that is when you spring into the TV room and snag that slowly rolling ball, as proud as if you'd caught a line drive.

And when Jack's arm was too tired to even push the ball off the arm of his recliner, you invented a new game called hide the ball and dig it out. It seems that you enjoy digging for the ball even if it's inside the TV room and only buried under the edge of Jack's recliner.

But what is the newest game all about? What is with the holding the ball between your paws on the floor, licking the ball, chewing the ball, and then attempting to hide the ball between the TV and the wall so that Jack or I have to get up and reach way back to retrieve the ball for you? Seriously, licking the TV? What is this?

Not going to explain, are you?


Stu said...

that's a pretty great series of picture... silly doggies.

Jessie said...

Funny dog.