Thursday, April 7, 2011

see it's like this

Almost twenty-five years ago, I met this wonderful woman. She was probably old enough to be my mom, but was so kind and smart and thoughtful and caring that we became friends. I like to think we were good friends. I suspect that everyone who knew her felt like she was a good friend. She was just that kind of person.

She was one of those good people. A truly honest, good person who tried to be the best and tried to help everyone around her be the best they could be.

I suppose the best word to describe her would be love. Charitable, selfless love.

Last Christmas we got a card and letter from her and her dear partner. It told of their now-grown children and their adored grandchildren, and it also talked about her illness, a progressively worsening illness. I wept as I read it aloud to Jack because I sensed then that her time in this place was short. I grieved even then the loss of such a good soul in this world.

Earlier this week, thoughts of her came into my mind. I thought I should visit or call. But I didn't. I haven't seen her for several years, probably not since we moved away and they moved away. But still, I thought of her and told myself I needed to see her, visit with her, chat, check up on her. But I didn't.

Jessie called me today to tell me she'd seen a post on Facebook that indicated my friend passed away, surrounded by family, holding the hand of her sweetheart. My heart aches for her, for her family, her sweet husband. I feel a large gaping hole ripped into my world tonight.


Lisa B. said...

I have been thinking about you and her--the both of you--all day. xoxo

gilian said...

You've been in my heart and thoughts also...

Johanna said...

So sad that you didn't get the chance to say goodbye.