Tuesday, January 29, 2008

tag--you're it

The other day, my friend, Lisa, tagged me on her blog, indicating that I should make a list of three things that I love besides my husband, my children, or soda--Diet Coke in particular, since everybody loves their soda. I think the list of things I can't put on my list must also include my grandbabygirls because my love for them is simply, hello--a no-brainer.

Herewith is my list:

1. Chai tea. Several years ago, I was introduced to chai tea. After my first sip, I was hooked. This warm, sweet, spicy drink is always soothing and settles me physically and mentally. Recently I discovered iced chai. Who knew that I love iced chai as much as warm chai? Certainly not me. But again, one sip and I was hooked. Iced chai is a blessing in the heat of summer, a sweet, spicy, cold drink that isn't carbonated. What could be better?

2. Projects. I love projects. Projects require much listmaking (BONUS!!--I love listmaking, but that is as obvious as my grandbabygirl love)--which project first, cost of the project (always over budget in the end), materials required, step-by-step process (also typically inaccurate). I love to think about a project, prepare for the project, begin the project, rest from the project, restart the project, see progress on the project, make adjustments to the project, see more progress on the project, and finally, complete the project. Oh, and don't forget, all of the talking about the project--before, during, and after the project. It is all so very, very satisfying.

3. A cat to sleep with. As long as I can remember, I have loved to have a cat that would curl up to sleep with me. I love it when my cats nestle inside the bend of my knee, or snuggle up under my arm, or gently knead my belly before they circle into the nest they have made with the covers and my body. I love when I hear the purr of a kitty in my ear, find the warmth of its body against mine, or feel the flick of its tail or the rough surface of its tongue on my skin. There is something very comforting, very calming about a cat near to me when I'm ready to sleep. It's the quickest path to sweet dreams that I know.

And with that, I tag Jessie and Stu and wait anxiously to hear what you love! Remember no spouses, children or soda.

1 comment:

Lisa B. said...

Love your list. I love napping with Bruiser, I must say, and chai is also on my list.