Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i am not the sun

I am not the sun--

But I warm those who are near to me.
Occasionally, I burn those who get too close
But not because that is my intent.
Everyone has boundaries.

I am not the sun--

But I am surrounded by beings, planets perhaps
or stars that are drawn to me, circle me,
need my warmth and light, would be
lost in the dark as surely as I without them.

I am not the sun--

But I am made of the stuff of stars
as is the sun, at least, according to Carl Sagan,
who, I believe knows. Or knew.
Or perhaps knows more surely now.

We are all a sun--

A light, a warmth, a sure force of gravity
That keeps someone, somewhere, safe
in an orbit connected with the orbit of another
and another and another.

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