Sunday, November 29, 2009

giving thanks

Yes I know today is not the Thanksgiving Day. For some reason, even though I felt thankful for many things on that day, it's taken me this long to be able to put that thanks into words. So, here goes.

1. I am thankful to be alive and I am thankful for the lives of those I love.
2. I am thankful for every bit of time I am given with those I love.
3. I am thankful for the beauty of the world that I see every time I look for it and sometimes even when I'm not looking for it.
4. I am thankful for good food, clean water, and warm shelter from the cold.
5. I am thankful for the miracles of science and technology that improve my life everyday.
6. I am thankful for my body--my muscles and bones and nerves and organs and senses, and my amazing mind.
7. I am thankful to learn and relearn always.
8. I am thankful to feel joy and happiness again.
9. I am thankful for sleep, sweet, deep sleep and the incredible restorative powers of sleep.
10. I am thankful for wee toes and fingers, inquisitive minds, the pure sweet scent of freshly washed bodies, curly hair, freckles, chubby arms and legs, wide-open eyes, little button noses, and the delightful sounds of coos, giggles, and "Gwamma, you here!" I will forever be grateful for these blessings. Lest my children think I love them less than their offspring, let me clarify. I love my children more than anything else. I love their children because they are an amazing extension of my children. It is as if I get to relive that blessed time in my life all over again but with newly re-awakened eyes, a tad more concern, and a bit more wisdom.


Amelia said...

Thank you for your sweet comments you always leave on my blog. You are a wonderful lady... glad we can connect through the world of blogs!

Lisa B. said...

Wonderful list, Ms. Gilian. This is why I love Thanksgiving--a moment that reminds us to celebrate what is, and how so much of that is so good.
