Friday, December 21, 2007

Too fast for existing conditions or Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

Just yesterday, I noticed on my computer at work that the little time/date thingie in the bottom right corner of the screen indicated that we were officially into the December 20's. For just a few seconds, there was anxiety here in the Gardens, because we have still not made a dent in The List! !! Allow me to say, "YIKES!!!"

But never fear, this happens every year. Somehow the first nineteen days of December get by me and before I know it, we are in the 20's, and must somehow move beyond The (rather vague, sketchy) List! !! to the detailed list version of speed shopping done NOW.

And amazingly, just one day later we now have an extremely detailed list, which is kept under lock and key, even though all members of the inner circle of the Gardens that we will be shopping for are either adults or babies or toddlers. Surprises are a big part of the planning in our wait to begin shopping in the 20's.

For the first two weeks of December, we hardly give Christmas a thought. Or at least the shopping part. We usually have to pick up something here or there for a party, but nothing too substantial. Then, the week before Christmas, we begin the pondering and muddling around. If we find ourselves in a store and see something that we think someone might like, we pick it up, which is why we have purchased something for one of the boys and two sweaters and two long-sleeved tees for me from The Gap. (Okay, I was trying to get to Ann Taylor, but alas, entered the wrong door at the mall and was lured in to the wrong place. Well, not really the wrong place, since I did get two new sweaters and two new long-sleeved tees. And they are cute at that. Of course.)

Once the 20's sneak up on us, it is time to get into action. Okay, well, not really. What really happens is that I start seriously thinking in my head (well, of course, where else would I think?) about what to purchase on the 20th, and I pester Jack about what he's thinking about in his head, and by the 21st, the detailed list is being mentally compiled. After Jack and I confer, I write down what we've agreed to purchase for each person and where we plan to buy it. As I make this list, the number of stores we will visit shortens. One of the rules of shopping at the last minute is that we need flexibility. So if we intended to buy something at the electronics store and something at the home improvement store and something at a certain clothing store, obviously that will be too many stores on the 23rd, so we figure out how to get something similar to the planned items, but all of them must be available at the same store or one close by so we don't have to drive from store to store, and also so we don't have to walk too far between stores or to the car. Perhaps that sounds environmentally conscious, or anti-exercise, but it is really all about time. Or the lack of it when we put off the shopping until two days before Christmas.

We are confident that once again, this plan will work, because we know the miracle of Christmas Eve, which is that if we wait until Christmas Eve to finish up our Christmas shopping, we will find something worthy, at a great price, and the time will run out and then we can put up our feet by the fire, with the glow of the Christmas tree lights in the background, and the carols playing on the cd player, sipping warm chai tea (or cocoa) and let out our breath that we have been holding for five days since we realized it was already the 20's.

ps To those of you who read the 'gentle hint' post--that was not intended to be MY Christmas wish list, it was a big, fat plea for YOUR wish list...remember we're shopping two days before Christmas again and could use some suggestions. And could you all get together and see if we can buy everything at one store? Like maybe Costco so we can get groceries at the same time?

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