Sunday, January 25, 2009


Question: What did you do this weekend?

Answer: I spent a lot of time cleaning up around the gardens--the usual tidying as well as wiping off fingerprints and cleaning up after a puppy.

Q: What exactly does cleaning up after a puppy involve?

A: Well, there's the food dish that gets stepped in and tipped over every time there is food in it, and the crumbles of half-chewed food that get dropped out of her mouth whenever she eats, and then there are the newspapers that every now and then she pees on (and once or twice she even pooped on), and then there's the pee and poop that she didn't leave on the newspapers. Oh, and the water that starts in her water bowl but gets spilled all around the bowl when she steps into the bowl or trips over the bowl. And the newspaper bits she shreds because, GOSH, she doesn't want to pee or poop on that paper. SERIOUSLY.

Q: Is there anything good about having that messy puppy around?

A: You're joking, right?

Q: Okay, so what else did you do this weekend?

A: Well, Jack hung up a couple of shelves for me.

Q: Shelves? For more organizing?

A: No, shelves that belonged to my gramma

and Jack's gramma. I used the shelves to display some of my gramma's figurines

and also one that Jack gave me for Christmas that he noticed me eyeing at the antique store.

Q: Anything else?

A: Yes, Stu and Shi and Audrey came over for dinner--chili-cheesedogs and burgers.

Q: Wait a minute. Chili-cheesedogs and burgers? Is that a typical Sunday dinner in the gardens?

A: No, but it was quick and everybody helped fix it and it was enjoyed by all.

Q: Anything else?

A: After dinner, we played a game of Apples to Apples. It was side-splittingly, tear-inducingly funny at times.

Q: Really? What were three of the funniest moments?

A: Stu--when he picked "in a coma" as the most accurate description for "dramatic."

Herschel--when he discussed the use of "eyes" in relation to "flirtatious."

And Audrey--wearing Jack's glasses that I handed to her to entertain her for a few minutes...


Shi said...

Those are some great pics!!! they made me laugh all over again... :D

Lisa B. said...

I LOVE your puppy. Awesome header and I love the blurry pup!

Sounds like a fun weekend--a cute pup does make the pee/poop not tooooooo awful.