Monday, July 6, 2009

that girl

Last Friday night, after Audrey's new baby sister, Ellie, was born, it was my responsibility to take the big sister to the dr. house to see mommy and daddy. As we drove to the hospital, I asked Audrey if she wanted some chicken nuggets and fries, knowing that if she said no, she would absolutely not eat a bite of the food even if it was fruit snacks or ice cream--both of which she turned down during the past week--but she said yes, she wanted some ticken nugs and fies. So I immediately made a u-turn into the McDonald's, which is when she hollered out in joy, "THE EAT HOUSE THE EAT HOUSE!!!"

We drove up and ordered the food and then we had to wait for two minutes while they cooked our nuggets up fresh (uh, huh?) and when they brought the sack of fries and chicken to the car I could smell that fresh french fry smell that brings back memories of riding home from Dee's in the car with my mom refusing to let us eat the fries until we got home, but finally caving in after, oh, all of 1/4 mile. And I said to Audrey, "Don't those fries smell good?" And she said, "Uhhu gamma, I need some in my mouth. Now."

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