Friday, October 22, 2010

random plan for today

In the ongoing battle to overcome, I offer the following:

1. Spent several hours over several of the last few days at various doctor's offices and hospital rooms with dad and mom and mom's bloody nose. Blood thinners. Can't stop the bleeding and yet can't live without them.

2. Worked from home this morning and totally played the liver biopsy card on four separate occasions when I simply couldn't deal with these lawyers for another moment today. To be honest, is it really playing the liver biopsy card if you really can't deal with anything else but that for that period of time? I think not.

3. Made serious attempts to document the beautiful:

This view out the window of our office from my treadmill:

The dahlias that Jr has begged me to plant for years and years that I finally planted this year--thank you dear Jr:

4. After much rearranging, have, captured, I think, the chaos that feels so comfortable to me:

or, if that shot is too much chaos for your belly, how about little pieces of chaos, bit by bit:

or there is the diningroom--who would have thought I could find these colors--

and remember this yard sail find:

that is now this delight:

And finally, an update on the Gus loves the kitties and they love him project, aka, the big lie.

Adorable as he is, I don't think I will ever again let myself be tricked by cuteness when it comes to animal shelter pets. But he is cute, right?

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I think both rooms turned out lovely. I definitely think the final arrangement of furniture in the front room is the best, too.