Tuesday, December 7, 2010

just two things more

I was feeling a bit cranky earlier today when I got to work and decided I'd had enough of the cold office I sometimes work out of.

During the summer, I called the heating/air conditioning guys because there was no--none--not one bit--of a breeze through the office and I thought I might just die of heat stroke.

They came in, climbed up on their ladders and moved some of the ceiling tiles and looked inside the ceiling, declaring that the fans weren't working. Ya' think?

They said they'd put in a work order and get the nasty fans fixed and then they decided it would be good to leave one of the ceiling tiles pushed to one side to improve air flow in the room.

To that I say, whatever.

Today, I decided I'd had enough of that ceiling tile sitting there askew, allowing cold air to fall into the room on me. So I climbed up on a chair--no, not a rolly chair, I'm not stupid--just a regular chair, and then I started maneuvering that ceiling tile back into its place in the grid.

You know, installing ceiling tile looks so easy on TV on all of the home improvement shows and also looked so easy when the menfolk in my house installed those tiles in my basement ceiling. I mean, how hard could it be, right?

I slid it around and moved it around and after, geez, I don't know, three minutes, thought I had it just right. And then I turned around on that chair and realized the other end was still hung up on the wires that hold the grid up.

So I started sliding it and moving it and jiggling it and just as I thought I had it right on both ends--it fell.

On me, the chair, my rolly chair, my purse, my bookbag, the desk, and my salad and fork, causing the salad and fork to fly across my purse and bookbag and the desk, flinging my salad and its dressing everywhere, and covering everything with a layer of bits of ceiling tile as well as what must have been several years of ceiling tile dust and a fine powdery grit.

Two good things to report: I did not fall off of the chair, and the ceiling tile didn't break.

So I climbed back up onto that chair and I shoved that tile up into the grid and that's where I left it, somewhat askew, but I think I won that round, right?


Oh, the other thing--check out these girls who came for a visit last night:

yes, she's sitting on the counter watching TV and can't look at me...

These faces can cheer up a person.


Amelia said...

Cute cute girls!

Joey said...

Don't you hate when that happens?

By the way, I heard that the most common employee complaint is that there work station is too hot or too cold. I worked at a place once where I had to wear my coat sometimes in the summer and I would walk out freezing at the end of the day.

Of course, that survey was taken before La Great Recession. I'm sure the complaint would be different...that is if you wanted to complain about having a job. :)

Love the pics!

Joey said...

By the way, my last word verification for posting a comment was "hosed." Do you think that means something?

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