Thursday, March 6, 2008

and speaking of what sucks

Everybody who has put on 25 lbs since getting their last driver's license two years ago, raise your hand. How about those who've added 15 lbs in the last six months?

Yes, that is me raising my chubby hand with my jiggly arm sitting on my womanly bottom with my thick ankles and calves that no longer fit in boots.

What the hell is going on around here? Sugar says it's all because of menopause, and the internet says it's because of the medications I've been taking, and Jack says perhaps it's because I don't give half of my food to him anymore. Which must be caused by the menopause and drugs...


1 comment:

Jessie said...

Let's try 55 lbs in the last 3 years or so... and don't give me that, "you've been pregnant, it's ok" crap... Last pregnancy I was 10 lbs--10 lbs!--lighter than I am now, and I never got within 10 lbs of where I started, either.

I'm telling you--aerobics classes, we'll start 'em in about 2 months. It'll be great.