Wednesday, March 19, 2008

number 1 on the list of reasons why i may indeed be on the road to insanity

This morning, still feeling low, I sent myself back to bed. My cell phone rang and like the sleepy-eyed slug that I feel like today, I foolishly answered. It was my mom. She was calling to see how I was feeling and to ask if I wanted a cheeseburger from McDonald's. I said no thanks and she said, "How many? One or two?" I repeated that I didn't really want a cheeseburger, thanks anyway, to which she replied curtly, "Okay. Fine. Bye." And she hung up.

I dragged myself into the bathroom to deal with yet another of the symptoms I'm having with this lousy virus and not two minutes passed before I heard a knock, knock-knock, knock, knock on Jack Jr's bedroom door, followed by muted voices, followed by my mom calling out, "Where are you?" from my bedroom. I said, "I'm in the bathroom, I'll be right out." To which she replied, "I know you are, I can tell" as she knock, knock-knock, knock, knocked on the bathroom door while pushing open the door to see me sitting on the toilet.

"How are you feeling?" she asked. "I'm fine," I replied, feeling totally vulnerable and invaded. "Here, I brought you some things," she said, seemingly unaware of my discomfort from her entrance into what I consider a very private moment. "I'll be right out to look at them," I said. "Oh, that's okay," she said, "Here, just open them now," while she handed me the two gifts she had in all likelihood just purchased from either Big Lots or Rite Aid.

This is one of the gifts, for which I should be so grateful because it is "The 'Original & Patented' Sinus Rinse Kit"--"Created by Dr. Mehta"!!!

And the other was the darling ceramic sign at the start of this post--checkered yellow and turquoise with a gorgeous faux-beaded handle with a saying that will obviously pick me up whenever I see it hanging up on the wall nearest the cat's litter box.


Lisa B. said...

Oh. My. God.

gilian said...

seriously. You just count how many things are messed up with that who deal...

gilian said...

or--messed up with that WHOLE deal.