Monday, August 10, 2009

i'm so torn

Once again I find myself with numerous items to blog about. But I have made my choice.

You've got to see these pics from yesterday. All of the family came over for dinner out back. It was tasty, healthy, funny, and entertaining.

And then I got this great idea to take a picture of all four granddarlings. Silly me.

Janey and Ellie listened intently to the director of the photoshoot...

Janey is thinking about going into dentistry and Ellie understands the importance of early dental hygiene...

I took this last one. It captures the true feeling in the gardens when everybody is there together--bright and busy and high speed...lovely all in all.


Jessie said...

Love the dentistry.

Sophia said...

so cute! So fun to have all girls.

Lisa B. said...

So! Busy! Excellent work there on that last photo. You gotta grab 'em while you can.