Sunday, August 2, 2009

random shopping thoughts

I thought it was a good omen when I pulled into Costco's parking lot and found a space right up front. And then I made my way around the outside edges of the store, quickly, yes, quickly! picking up the items on my list, avoiding the crowds around the microwaves and blenders and bowls of who knows what that are handed out to the masses who make entire meals out of the samples they taste at Costco. And whoa nelly, but I found a checkout line with only one guy in front of me and he wasn't having a problem using his debit card and he hadn't picked up a bag of sugar that leaked a trail all around the store thus requiring a wait while somebody picked up a replacement bag for him.

Not surprisingly (at least in my mind by now), my checkout took only moments. But that's when I realized I didn't have my debit card in my purse. And had to wait for Jr to bring it to me because he used it when he went to the store for me the other night and forgot to put it back in my purse when he got home.

That is what I get for having such a helpful, willing to do the shopping for me kind of kid. Who I wouldn't trade for anything. Even if that shopping help occasionally requires a bit of a wait at Costco for the return of said debit card.

After he dropped off the debit card and waited while I paid, Jr took home the Costco groceries while I headed to Smith's to pick up the yogurt Jack and I like these days--Kroger's carb master, which, if you can stand the taste of nonsugar sweeteners, is pretty great because it has only four carbs and 80 calories but something like 12 grams of protein.

There was a grocery cart parked outside in front of the store, so I decided to take it in with me to get my groceries, and that's when I started to wonder if grocery carts are included in that world balance theory. You know that theory that says that when one person loses weight, somebody else gains it? Does that apply to grocery carts? I mean if one person brings a grocery cart into the store, aren't they allowed to leave it outside when they're done with it?

Because if that theory is true, I'm afraid I've messed up the balance. I took in the basket, but my purchase of many cups of yogurt were so lightweight that I parked the cart inside the store and carried my yogurt to the car. Sorry, dude.

1 comment:

Lisa B. said...

You are keeping track of a lot of things these days, apparently--your debit card, carbs and calories and grams of protein, grocery carts and world balance theory . . . whereas when I go to the store, I'm all, take me to your potato chips. Stat. But I always do remember to bring my reusable bags. So that's something.