Monday, October 19, 2009

a couple of thoughts

1. Jack underwent surgery on his thumb this morning. The doctor showed me the x-rays that clearly demonstrated the extra movement in the joint that was injured. Jack now has a teeny metal bracket holding his ligament in place until it heals--a week in the splint and five weeks in the cast and he'll be back to his old thumb self.

2. I think I've mentioned before that I like to do some of the word puzzles on the Merriam-Webster website--usually I do four puzzles each day that take up about 5-10 minutes total. I especially like it when I solve the Word Roundup and it responds with "Nice Ropin!"

3. And from Merriam-Webster today, The Universal Cryptogram: The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.

4. If I could invent anything in the world right now (besides world peace, an end to hunger, good health for all, and well, all of those other heavy, important things) I would invent a sparkly dust that could be sprinkled on people who choose to always see things from the negative point of view that would help neutralize their negativity and occasionally help them see the positive point of view. I know, I know, there has to be negative to appreciate the positive, but seriously folks, some people need to give others an occasional break, cut 'em some slack, or just not say anything if they can't say something nice. Sheesh.

Too short, too short, too short, life is to spend it irritated with people who are, I think, most of the time, doing the best they can do. And if they aren't, isn't that punishment enough for them, to know they are performing below their own personal par?


Jessie said...

I personally really like MW's word sudoku--there's a new puzzle every hour, and I think they're highly entertaining. I mean, what could be better than words plus sudoku, honestly?

Lisa B. said...

Excellent advice, there, about how short life is. I will bear it in mind.

Johanna said...

I loved the quote. For the most part I am more than comfortable being by myself. But there are those times when this human experience with all of it's emotions and such becomes too much. And at those times, I know I need a vacation....from myself.