Monday, August 30, 2010

remember this?

Tonight was my first CALCULUS class. It was an algebra review and I know you won't believe this, but I could totally follow the discussion. I know!

Remember when I worked this problem for Jr on the white board? Algebra.

Audrey and Ellie came over on Saturday and this is Audrey's beautiful math (she is so her daddy's math girl):


Remember how hard it was to get a smile out of this girl:

She's starting to warm up to me and is totally all over my heart:


And finally, remember when I posted photos of JoJo singing:

The drummer casually informed us recently, in the casual way that only he possesses, that the first time JoJo sang was also the first time he practiced the oboe in the gardens. Something about that hauntingly beautiful oboe sound just opened up her heart and voice.


Lisa B. said...

Love Aubrey's math! Truly beautiful.

Lisa B. said...

Au*d*rey's! sorry about that.