Saturday, August 22, 2009

back to school

A few weeks back I registered for three classes--Math 1050, Human Anatomy, and Environmental Economics.

The economics class is for my major and is an online class.

The anatomy class is to cover my biology requirement and is a Saturday morning class.

The math class is required and even though it's college algebra, seriously, the number is only 1050, so how hard can it be, right? It's an online class, which may sound like not a good idea for a math class, but it's a true online class where there are videos of this really nice, slow-speaking southern woman who calmly explains every concept over and over as often as I need to replay the video until I understand. Then there are practice homework assignments online that I can do as many times as I want until I understand. Unfortunately I will have to go in to the testing center at the school to take three tests--two midterms and a final. (I'm not a math major, but how can there be two midterms?)

Late last night I realized the professor had sent me an email telling me I couldn't be in her class because I didn't meet the prerequisites. My response to that? HUH? The college catalog shows I needed at least a C in Math 1010, which I took in Summer 2007.

So I did what any overachieving gramma in my position would do. I emailed back my best effort at begging the professor to allow me to stay in her math class.

I told her I had completed Math 1010 with a C+ just before I had to leave school for an extended illness from which I recently recovered allowing me to start back in school for the Summer 2009 semester.

And that's when she sent me the links for the class and said she hoped I'd had a good summer.

1 comment:

Lisa B. said...

Way to go, OG! (overachieving gramma)

By the way, I've heard that online math is excellent and students do very well in it, probably for just the reasons you outline.

Have fun with your cadaver, if a cadaver there will be. Hopefully, just very detailed pictures. That's how I'd want it, anyway.