Friday, December 11, 2009

a few more things for the list

1. Give up the idea of shopping for toys for the girls online.
1a. Because today, I bought all of the things (and by things I mean pink princess couches all around) on my list for them!
2. Don't forget the cheeseballs.
3. Definitely making caramels and toffee this year.
4. Help JoJo and the cats become bffs.
5. Family party #1 this weekend.
5a. Hang on for this ride (and by ride, I mean another non-stress producing eventful get-together).
6. Rethink shopping online for the rest of the gifts.
6a. It could work.


Lisa B. said...

I have to make a list, have to have to have to, of what food I want to make. Yikes. Time's a wastin'!

I want a photo essay of how Jojo and the cats become bff. In fact, this could be your money-blog project. I await greatness.

Jessie said...

Multicolored texts makes me think you have lots of links. But it is very! exciting! and festive. And I believe the girls will all love their new couches, we are definitely excited (or at least we would be if anyone besides me knew about them).