Saturday, December 12, 2009

the girl power is strong over here tonight

After finishing my anatomy class this morning, I stopped by the Walmart and boy howdy did I hit the princess+pink+sparkles=cuteness jackpot. My house is oozing pink. It may snow pink flakes tonight. Or maybe pink fairy dust sparkles.

I was feeling so high after my trip to the Walmart that I thought I'd make a run to Kohl's because as everyone knows, Kohl's is my shopping safety net. One trip, two days before Christmas has been my planned excursion into the shoposphere for the past few years. Yet, here we are, still 13 days from Christmas and I was stoked and full of ready-to-shop. But then Jack asked if I'd stick around for a few minutes in case he needed help installing the basement lights (yes! lights in the basement! more!remodel!progress!) so, while I waited to leave, I browsed the Kohl's web site and before I knew it, I'd found adorable jammies and socks and clothes for the girlies and very much acceptable and even intriguing gifts for a few others in the family.


it felt so good. and while i would expect to be exhausted after such a successful day, i am anything but exhausted.

i am pleased. warm, fuzzy satisfied pleased.

i am ahead of schedule.

i am, apparently, even in the pink.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Just watch out--the trouble with getting shopping done early is that then you have more time to think of more things you want to buy... I find myself having this issue a lot lately.

Very excited to see all the pink, though. The girls will be ecstatic, I'm certain.

I love getting in the shopping zone.