Sunday, May 2, 2010

philly part 1

Jack and I have slept and slept and slept.

We ate at a Burger King today. (Yes, Burger King.) If I based my perception of Philadelphians on our fellow Burger Kingers, I would think they were all aging stars of Jersey Shore--with the accent, skinny kids but really big adults, lots of complaining at the lack of quality/service at the Burger King, and lots of exposed, tattooed skin. Yikes. I guess that's what you get if you choose to eat at Burger King? I just felt sorry for the young skinny girl taking orders and abuse at the Burger King. Apparently people really think that if you go to the Burger King, you should have it your way. Now. Loud. Poor kid.

If you watch any tv here in Philly, you will quickly realize that Joe Sestak is running against Arlen Spector, who was a republican until recently. Sestak is a true democrat (according to his ads) and must have something fishy going on in his past (according to Spector's ads). They debated each other yesterday and excerpts have been all over the tv in addition to the ads they constantly run. The amazing part is that they both admit to supporting the president. Not something I've ever heard my senator say about the current president.

Amazingly, it was almost 90--degrees and percentage of humidity. Seriously, as much as my skin loves the humidity, the rest of me is so glad for our dry heat. And finally, remember that warm chocolate cake and ice cream shared at the hotel is very good.

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