Saturday, September 18, 2010

i'ma keep this short.

I haven't posted for five days. Lots of events of sorts, but every time I started writing, it just wasn't working for me, so I've deleted.

However. I'm going to try to mention at least something about some of the events without my usual detail.

1. First, all of my kids should know that I have more than one best day in my life and more than one best moment of my life. Best is not only one in my life.
2. Don't worry, my mom is okay. Her visit to the ER this week was apparently, sadly, a plea for attention and not the kind of attention dad gives her. What a relief and an annoyance and so sad all at once. If I were to post all of the events of that afternoon, well, it would be a three-part post, so instead, let me just post some keywords from the five hours together: CMOS, cortisone injection, heart enzymes normal, no infection, Great-gramma Jensen and the other Great-gramma Jensen, Denmark, he said if she was going to accuse him, he was going to do it, running off with the housekeeper, teeth, shoes, necklace, call your brother in case he needs to stop by, take less blood pressure medicine perhaps the prescribed dose?, riding the train, riding the bus on one transfer, what's taking them so long, I'm removing these because that will get the nurse in here quick, I have a high tolerance for pain, she has a low tolerance for pain, he's 85, I've been under stress, Primary program, family reunion, 76 years old and watching year old great-grandson three days a week, what's taking so long?, he wants Wendy's, I want McDonald's, what's taking so long? There was a lot more. I left off the weird stuff.
3. The drawer and door hardware has arrived and the bathroom cabinets may be completed in the next day or so. I will post photos if and when.
4. Dale Earnhardt table update--complete. As soon as I finish the chairs, you'll get photos.
5. Calculus and Economics--massive quantities of homework and new concepts. Nothing new there, right?
6. Yes, I was in a collision Thursday evening, but I am recovering just fine. The collision--JoJo and Gus racing full speed into my room, not realizing I was standing next to the bed they were leaping onto. I saw them out of the corner of my eye and my thought was--this is what it feels like just before you get hit by a car--and then they clobbered into me, knocking me partly onto the bed and partly onto the floor. I couldn't decide if my arm was broken or if my leg was broken or if my insides were broken, I only knew I thought I was going to barf. Yes, it was intense. Amazingly, the only bruised part is my right leg and a bit of Advil has handled the familiar achy all over feeling I get every time I fall down by myself.


Joey said...

Wow. What can I say? That kind of chaos no one needs. Take care of yourself. Maybe a nice soothing cup of tea?

Lisa B. said...

My goodness. Everything is going on at once! I hope you're feeling better and also that you do post pictures of those projects, because they sure sound interesting.

I so resonate with #1 on your list.