Sunday, May 10, 2009

mother's day greetings

When a child comes into your arms, your heart, your life, there is never another day that is not a mother's day. There may be ups and downs, joy and pain, understanding and confusion, but even when there is distance, there is a closeness that never goes away. And if there is distance, there is a yearning--sometimes deeply buried, sometimes just beneath the surface--but a yearning for the distance to lessen and the closeness to return. Because every day is a mother's day.

This year, the people who remember me on the day designated for remembering mothers, those people who I knew before anyone else knew them, those people I loved before anyone else loved them and will love for longer than anyone else will love them, those people who have brought more joy than pain, ups than downs, understanding than confusion, understood me well enough to give gifts from gardens and from the heart.


Amelia said...

So sweet. Thanks for sharing. Truly you are blessed!

Lisa B. said...

Well said. Happy Mother's Day!