Friday, May 8, 2009

seriously awesome dog

Yes, it's another post about JoJo. But this event was so amazing, I simply had to share it with you, dear readers.

Today, Jack and I were sitting in the TV room, waiting for hockey to begin, eating our dinner of grilled chicken (with a bit of marinara sauce and a handful of mozzarella shreds) and salad (have you tried those salad spritzer dressings? yummy and not too high in anything)--uh, slight digression...

So. We finished eating our dinner and I put my plate on the foot rest on my half of the reclining love seat so JoJo could jump up and have a few licks. And Millie, the fat tabby cat, who was sitting behind my head on the back of the love seat, let out a little bark, while JoJo licked the plate clean.

Or at least that is what it sounded like. It was really JoJo who let out the little bark, because apparently she is a ventriloquist dog--she can lick a plate and throw her voice at the same time!

Impressive, eh?

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