Saturday, November 1, 2008

22 years ago

Early on the morning after Halloween in 1986, Jack and I went to the hospital and that is when the drummer was born. I don't think he reads blogs, even mine (I know, can you even believe that?) so I'm not doing the traditional list, but you really should know a couple of things about him.

When the drummer was born, Jack's dad was in the hospital, unfortunately not the same hospital I was in with the baby, so Jack journeyed from one hospital to the other and back for almost a week until we took the new baby home.

The drummer is the first of our children that I felt comfortable mothering. Our firstborn was the first baby I'd ever done more than look at from a distance. What an eye-opener. And when Jessie was born, I had two thoughts--first, I wondered how I could have another baby when I already had a baby, and second, I wondered how the same two people could produce two babies who were so completely different from each other. (I also realized how great it was that Stu was first and Jessie was next because if I'd had her first and then him, I probably wouldn't have had any more kids. He was nonstop action and she was fluffy and loved to cuddle.) When the drummer arrived, I had two kids who were old enough to enjoy each other's company and I'd had some baby-growing experience, so it was easier for me to relax and enjoy him.

The drummer was born with a sense of humor. I can't explain how or what he did, but that kid could make me laugh. He had this quirky way of looking at the world--probably something to do with being Stu's little brother? (He is the kid, who at the age of five, carved, "Stuart is a tyrant." into one of the wooden desks Jack made. Seriously, what five-year-old understands or even uses the word, 'tyrant'?) Drummer still has a quirky sense of humor that keeps us all entertained. Not that that is his goal. It's just that he finds humor in everyday things and, on occasion, he shares those thoughts with us.

There are two things that I think the drummer lives for. Percussion and Legos. While he can play most, if not all, percussion, his favorite is the bass drum. He has spent three summers with a bunch of other kids who like to perform on their drum or brass instrument, so they tryout for a corps and practice and travel across the eastern half of the US. He played a small bass drum and while those 14-hour days got old by the middle of August, he made it through and went back the next year. He is working out a plan that will allow him to play and teach drums for a reasonable living. We are hoping that when he marries, his new bride will love him for his dedication and it would be great if her dad is rich.

And then there are his legos. Thousands and thousands of legos. Everytime he got a new set, he would put it together according to the directions and then take it apart and begin his own new creation. Sometimes he creates villages, sometimes amusement parks, sometimes war scenes, even stop action movies based on scripture stories. Very creative and very entertaining. The daughter of the rich guy will need to be able to tolerate, accept, even embrace his love of legos.

I think the lego adoration is a way for the drummer to escape to his own thoughts. I've never seen a kid or anybody else, who was better at quietly slipping out of the room when chores were being assigned or dishes needed to be cleared. He was born with that talent but has improved it through the years.

I could go on and on about my kids, and the drummer is definitely one of my kids, but well, I am exhausted and nearly asleep as I type this, so I'll wrap it up and just write a couple more thoughts, beginning with this--even though the other kids in the family have thought for years that he is the favorite, he is one of four favorites in my world. He has a definite streak of nonconformity that I respect. Along with the nonconformity, he is a person who thinks things through and doesn't obey blindly or just for obedience's sake. I am proud of that quality in him. One other thing about him--he loves pie. Not just any pie, my pie. And sometime on Sunday, I'll make many pies because that is one of the few requests he makes--no cake, just pie for his birthday, thanks.

In case you read this, Drummer, I love you. I'm glad you're in my life. I'm proud of the person you've been and you are becoming. Please keep playing those drums and remember, you don't have to give up the legos just because you get older. But you already knew that, right?

1 comment:

Lisa B. said...

I would just like to be on the record about how awesome the drummer's drumming is.