Friday, December 26, 2008

highlights of the day

  1. bows and name tags on all of the gifts
  2. breakfast in the gardens--a loaf of bread disguised as french toast (thanks, Stu!), two pounds of bacon, and two dozen eggs
  3. the softest robe and a lovely hand-crafted scarf
  4. light sabers for jack and me
  5. dvds and toys for time with the girlies
  6. inexpensive cherry chocolates
  7. thoughtfully remembered surprises from the antique store
  8. my cats and my dog
  9. homemade rolls
  10. dinner at Jessie's
  11. Audrey's amazement by the 'stars'
  12. Breanne's enthusiasm for the day
  13. Janey's warm, i'm-safe-with-my-gramma snuggly sounds
  14. time to appreciate the outside garden--windy, wet, snowy, and even quiet
  15. none of my close loved ones in the hospital
  16. friends in my life
  17. near peace with the past
  18. clean kitchen counters
  19. hope for the future

1 comment:

Skybird said...

Yet more similarities... cherry chocolates are a perenial favorite that all my kids know are "dad's" must have... didn't arrive this year...

Mother in Law checked into the hospital on Christmas Eve... brain tumor... my and my best friend have spent many hours by her side the last several days... her dad died in June... it has not necessarily been all sunny skies down south!

and most touching and vibrationally felt of all... near peace with the past... hope for the future...

My blog site will have the written photos of some of what my southern flight has brought me in 2008.

We are wonderful beings... all of us!