Thursday, January 14, 2010

here i go again

I have the secret to speedy recovery. Try this next time you get the sniffles.

Stay in your adorable jammies all evening and all the next day. Lay in your comfortable bed, between your lovely sheets. Only rise to visit the facilities or the fridge or the tylenol bottle. Make certain you have a big box of soft tissues by the bedside. Sip warm tea and eat noodles mid-day, still in bed. In an effort to entice readers to offer massive quantities of sympathy, pretend you are an adult man and post a long, detailed, whiny blog about how crappy you feel. Make certain you let everyone know that you are more sick than anyone ever before. Sleep all night and all day and all night. Before sleeping the second night, take a nice warm bath, wash your achy body and hair, and brush your teeth before donning another adorable set of jammies. Eat ice cream for dinner. Again, sleep all night.

And there's one more thing that helps.

This morning, I drove north for work, convinced that the sky would clear, the haze would be gone and I would be breathing easier. Boy was I wrong. The further north I went, the thicker the air soup. For the last 30 miles, the fog was so dense, I couldn't see approaching vehicles until we were nearly passing each other.

Then, the other thing happened. Mid-morning, the fog began to lift, the sky was a beautiful blue, and the sun was shining. That sunshine on my skin was the final antidote to the ache in my mind and felt like a big smile from the sky that spread all over my soul.

Warm, brilliant, glorious sunshine.

1 comment:

Joey said...

I believe everything you say. In fact, I have staved off a few illnesses. Liquids and bed rest really do work. Go figure.

Maybe a penny saved is a penny earned, too.

And an apple a day really does keep the doctor away.

Wouldn't it be funny if after all of the scientific testing, theorizing, and pontificating of the last 30 years takes us right back to all the things those old wives told us?

I'm glad you are better. Love ya!