Saturday, December 13, 2008

holy cow

You, dear readers, will simply not believe how much I accomplished today. Check this out:

1. Got myself to the Kohl's just as the wintry blizzard was blowing in, shopped for three hours, bought nothing that wasn't on sale, got an additional 20% off of everything, and got $100 in Kohl's cash that I can use between now and Christmas, drove back home during one of the breaks in the blizzard, and have nearly finished my shopping. JACKPOT!!!
2. Scooped out the catbox, tidied up the kitchen, laundry room, dining room, and my bedroom, did two loads of laundry, sorted out the stuff in the basement, got 45 minutes of effort out of Jr and the drummer in the basement so that a big load 'o great stuff went to the DI, paged through bags and boxes (my normal filing method) of old bills and receipts and warranties from 2002 and tossed out most of it, and took out a really big pile of trash.
3. Played and read and tickled and tagged along with Audrey for a couple of very enjoyable hours.
4. Hit the grocery store, picked up the usual stuff, a few extras, and ingredients for enchiladas, which were prepared by Stu and enjoyed by Jack, Stu and me. Audrey ate mini-frosted wheats at the bar while we discussed dinner. After dinner, she had a playful, splashy bath followed by lotion and warm jammies. And yes, I want that too.

All in all, a very productive, amazingly high energy day for me.

Did I mention that Jr and the drummer hauled all of the Christmas stuff upstairs, so now I know just how many Santa cookie jars and candy plates I need to fill. It's good to get a visual.

Oh, just two other things. About last night's post--I remember starting it, I remember taking my nighttime pill, and I remember waking up around 1:00 in the TV room thinking, I've gotta finish my post and get to bed. Millie was laying on my computer, and dang if that cat didn't finish my post for me, which explains my thinking that I could lay around tomorrow, get a hot breakfast, watch a movie, take a nap, and dinner would take care of itself. Seriously, I was more than a little confused to realize that the post was finished. I don't remember writing it. I'm very clever in my sleepy state.

The other thing--a couple of days ago, I read my friend Lisab's post wherein she foisted video from her new webcam upon her readers. I totally enjoyed hearing and watching her and realized, hey, I have a webcam. So I did what I always do when it comes to my compy, I asked Jack about it. Before long, the cam was up and running, but dang if MY MOM wasn't inside of my computer. How that ever happened, I'll never understand, but let me just say that after I recovered from the shock of seeing my mom on my computer screen, I leapt from the sofa and raced to my treadmill where I told myself I was never getting off. After a bit, I decided I was staying on it for at least an hour. And then I got off the beast after 15 minutes. In case you're wondering, yes I have been back on the monster since then. And I walked around a store for three hours this morning too.

Believe me, I'm more than a little afraid to turn on the webcam again.


Jessie said...

First of all, I'm not sure that you do look that much like your mom, but also--I look an awful lot like you, and you keep telling me how much my girls look like me--so is it really that bad of a thing to look like your mom? I think it makes a mom feel good to have kids that look like her, at least a little.

In other news, I always look terrible on Cory's webcam. Extraordinarily tired and cranky. Maybe it's because I'm up at 1:00 am looking at blogs. Sheesh. Good night.

Lisa B. said...

Key to looking not horrifying on a webcam--lighting and distance. Hope you'll post a little webcammery sometime!