So. While using many manly handtools today, I had three thoughts.
First, I've thought for a long time that Brian Williams from NBC News has got to have the best face for a caricature ever. Seriously. Don't you think?

Second. I've been meaning to explain the reason why I finally caved and got a mybook page. Ever since my kids got their spacebook pages, their blogs have suffered. Okay. Wait. Not everbody's blog has suffered. Some people continue to update their blogs and share their pictures of the adorable girlies on their blogs. But I keep hearing that everybody puts pictures on their pagebook spaces and if I want to see the pics and steal them for my blog, I need to get a spaceface page. So I did. Can I tell you though, it is overwhelmingly mindnumbing to go to my page. So many conversations going on, so many people to befriend. People (any by people I mean me) could spend all of their time just catching up and responding. And I keep getting this nagging feeling that everybody is reading everybody else's business or posting about everybody else's business, like when somebody is sick or is going to the hospital to have a baby. Is this simply an efficient method of communication that I need to get on board with or else risk sounding really old and out of touch? Am I becoming Carol Makita?
Finally. Shortly after Jack and I moved to the gardens, I attended a Christmas party with the Relief Society neighbors. It was a progressive dinner, perhaps you've heard of them? It started with appetizers at the home of a nice woman, then moved to other women's homes for salad, then on to other women's homes for the entree, and then ended with dessert at the church.
As we all gathered at the first home for the appetizers, I quickly realized I knew very few women. They were all aware of me though, they knew where I lived, that we were remodeling the place ourselves (gasp!). They were friendly enough, but it didn't take long for the friends to group together and I wasn't part of any of the groups. Before long, the woman who owned the first home took us all on a tour of her home, explaining that she had finally been able to buy the furniture she wanted. All were amazed and delighted by her stunning decor. Early in the evening, the woman who we bought our home from arrived at the party. True, she had moved several miles away, but she had lived in the home for over 15 years and was a beloved neighbor who had endured numerous painful trials through the years and had been supported by many of these women. Of course, they warmly welcomed her back that evening.
We finished the first course and piled into the cars we'd arrived in to head to our assigned salad home. I'd come by myself, so I got into my car and drove straight to my garage, where I sat in my car, sobbing, as I thought about my friends in my old neighborhood, my broken-down house, all of the work Jack and I had to do to the place, how unfriendly and snobbish the women in my new neighborhood obviously were, and how there was no way I was going to spend the evening looking at somebody else's beautiful new furniture and newly remodeled home when I was living in a broken house.
Poor me.
Today, Sugar and Colleen and I went to IHOP for breakfast and to catch up. They came in to see the basement remodel and I showed them the proposed office space and the proposed guest room. They left after oohing and aahing for a bit and petting JoJo while she stood with her front paws on their shoulders. And I got this nagging feeling.
It occurs to me that my recent posts about the projects we've been working on and my tour of the place today are eerily familiar to that progressive dinner evening, but without the appetizers.
Is there any excuse for my behavior? Did I intend to boast about the projects or the furniture or the other stuff?
I don't know about the progressive dinner ladies, but I was so excited to finally, after seven years here, have the basement so close to done. I am so excited to have a place to keep our books and computers and office stuff and a place for the girls to sleep when they eventually start to spend the night at Gramma's.
And honestly, there is no way we could have paid somebody to do the various projects we've done, or bought the various things we've purchased, except that we have stumbled onto some really great deals. Seriously great deals. Well, that and we don't have a problem with yard sale crap. And there's the part about how Jack and I completed our first project before we were even married. We painted the little rental house we were going to live in during the week before the wedding because there was no way we were living in a place that was painted sky blue. In fact, the kitchen in that house was my first yellow kitchen. (Thanks, Jack!)
So, yes, we do projects around here, we've always done projects, and we will always do projects because Jack is lucky to be married to a woman who loves to buy tools of all kinds for him and because I am lucky to be married to a man who can make or fix anything if I just give him the time to think it through so we don't have to redo it part way through.
I'm hoping none of you, dear readers, have finished reading a post of mine and sat in your car, sobbing, because it feels like I've been boasting. Because as much as I like the way our home has evolved, the truth is, it's just a place. We've been lucky and blessed to be able to fix it up so that our family can all be together in one place and enjoy some good times. And that is the real joy in the remodeling. The time we spend together, planning, working, laughing, sometimes sulking, and then, when it is done, playing, talking, and being together.
Finally. Shortly after Jack and I moved to the gardens, I attended a Christmas party with the Relief Society neighbors. It was a progressive dinner, perhaps you've heard of them? It started with appetizers at the home of a nice woman, then moved to other women's homes for salad, then on to other women's homes for the entree, and then ended with dessert at the church.
As we all gathered at the first home for the appetizers, I quickly realized I knew very few women. They were all aware of me though, they knew where I lived, that we were remodeling the place ourselves (gasp!). They were friendly enough, but it didn't take long for the friends to group together and I wasn't part of any of the groups. Before long, the woman who owned the first home took us all on a tour of her home, explaining that she had finally been able to buy the furniture she wanted. All were amazed and delighted by her stunning decor. Early in the evening, the woman who we bought our home from arrived at the party. True, she had moved several miles away, but she had lived in the home for over 15 years and was a beloved neighbor who had endured numerous painful trials through the years and had been supported by many of these women. Of course, they warmly welcomed her back that evening.
We finished the first course and piled into the cars we'd arrived in to head to our assigned salad home. I'd come by myself, so I got into my car and drove straight to my garage, where I sat in my car, sobbing, as I thought about my friends in my old neighborhood, my broken-down house, all of the work Jack and I had to do to the place, how unfriendly and snobbish the women in my new neighborhood obviously were, and how there was no way I was going to spend the evening looking at somebody else's beautiful new furniture and newly remodeled home when I was living in a broken house.
Poor me.
Today, Sugar and Colleen and I went to IHOP for breakfast and to catch up. They came in to see the basement remodel and I showed them the proposed office space and the proposed guest room. They left after oohing and aahing for a bit and petting JoJo while she stood with her front paws on their shoulders. And I got this nagging feeling.
It occurs to me that my recent posts about the projects we've been working on and my tour of the place today are eerily familiar to that progressive dinner evening, but without the appetizers.
Is there any excuse for my behavior? Did I intend to boast about the projects or the furniture or the other stuff?
I don't know about the progressive dinner ladies, but I was so excited to finally, after seven years here, have the basement so close to done. I am so excited to have a place to keep our books and computers and office stuff and a place for the girls to sleep when they eventually start to spend the night at Gramma's.
And honestly, there is no way we could have paid somebody to do the various projects we've done, or bought the various things we've purchased, except that we have stumbled onto some really great deals. Seriously great deals. Well, that and we don't have a problem with yard sale crap. And there's the part about how Jack and I completed our first project before we were even married. We painted the little rental house we were going to live in during the week before the wedding because there was no way we were living in a place that was painted sky blue. In fact, the kitchen in that house was my first yellow kitchen. (Thanks, Jack!)
So, yes, we do projects around here, we've always done projects, and we will always do projects because Jack is lucky to be married to a woman who loves to buy tools of all kinds for him and because I am lucky to be married to a man who can make or fix anything if I just give him the time to think it through so we don't have to redo it part way through.
I'm hoping none of you, dear readers, have finished reading a post of mine and sat in your car, sobbing, because it feels like I've been boasting. Because as much as I like the way our home has evolved, the truth is, it's just a place. We've been lucky and blessed to be able to fix it up so that our family can all be together in one place and enjoy some good times. And that is the real joy in the remodeling. The time we spend together, planning, working, laughing, sometimes sulking, and then, when it is done, playing, talking, and being together.
First off (and most important) I always thought Brian Williams was cute. But that's me.
Ah, Facebook. The young ones like it most because they don't have to really connect. Yes, I've joined and it does help you keep up with folk in a fly on the wall type way. Is that a good thing? I really don't know. But I do know that if that's where relationships begin and end they are not the kind of friendships that will see you through the loss of a husband, putting your mom in a rest home, being the shoulder when your kids are sick or all kinds of other really, really important things that people need. Things that only a real friend can give...cyber friends will never measure up.
Finally, ah, green as the hills of Ireland and twice as nourishing. We've all had it and we all will. I read somewhere that bragging is bad because it can tempt someone else to feel envy.
But sharing is not bragging, Dear Gilian. And it's sharing you have done. And don't neglect the blog for the cyber page. xo
I haven't posted pictures on facebook since before Janey was born--I use my blog for that (other than the occasional profile picture change). I just like being able to keep up with the basics of other's lives, which is why I use facebook. That, and to play scrabble occasionally. Joey is right, it's not a place for depth relationships, but it can help keep the ones you've formed alive a little easier, when you start going your different ways, as is the case with me and most of my old friends.
As for the house pictures vs showing off the house thing--first of all, I enjoy seeing other's homes, especially when they are so excited about what they've done. I just have to remember while I'm seeing it that just because their house looks one way, it doesn't mean mine has to be the same. So for what it's worth, I really like your reveals. You're real about things, too--not making it out to be some simple, one-day project or whatever--it took you guys a year, there were crazy things, but you figured it all out. And besides, you get good deals. I like good deals. :)
Never for one second did I think you were an appetizer lady. I think we all like a good (as they say over here) "nosey" at what someone has done to their house. And sharing is not bragging. Those who truly care for you will be thrilled at the progress and a ajob well done.
When I first started my blog I clearly stated that it was for me to blab and brag about my baby, that has shifted into blabbing about everything. I like it that way. I like to see other peoples projects and share my own. Sure every once in awhile I wish my house was like someone elses but then I remember to be happy being me. Please keep up the posting and showing, we all enjoy it and if someone does not, they can just look at there own blogs.
Look at that, my daughters beat me to my own comments: you couldn't sound like one of those appetizer ladies if you even tried, because you are so funny and self-deprecating and because you didn't *buy* your way to that remodeling, you *did* it. Damn hell, girl, you *made* it!
Do the fun parts of Facebook and ignore the rest. I am feeling rather unmoved by it of late, but ho hum, that's me. The blog is my favorite.
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